Mackie DL series update seems stuck
The other day I wanted to update my Mackie DL32s via the Master Fader app I was using a Windows PC and everything worked fine. Next I got an update message and approved the update. The device reboots in an ‘update modus’ and that makes the wifi disconnect. After reconnecting,Continue Reading
Reason 12 high DSP when not active / in focus
Ever since I update to Reason 12, I have had this weird issue where the DSP usage would jump to very high values when Reason was not the focus application (active).And I got the obvious crackles / ugly audio buffer overflow with pops and clicks because of that. Whenever IContinue Reading
Behringer X Air edit create send – return loop for outboard FX
In this post, I will show how I created a (simple) send – return FX loop with the Behringer X Air Edit for my XR18 to use outboard FX pedals.Continue Reading
Behringer X Air Edit stereo AUX bus
In this short post, I will explain how to set up the Behringer X Air Edit so it can utilize stereo aux busses. This can be handy for stereo monitor mixes or using a stereo send – return loop for outboard FX (see my other post Behringer X Air editContinue Reading
Making the Moog Subsequent 37 play triplets synced to a DAW
We sometimes like to play in a 12/8 (triplets) time signature and I wanted to sync my Moog Subsequent 37 to the DAW playing (in this simple example) a flat beat.No matter what clock division I tried, I could not get it to work. But I did find a solutionContinue Reading
TC Electronic Hall of Fame 2 distorted sound with Moog Subsequent 37
Since the Moog Subsequent 37 does not have any onboard ‘effects’, I figured it would be nice to (at least) have a bit of reverb. After some digging around, I found the TC Electronic Hall Of Fame 2 that was sounding quite nicely and did not cost a fortune.Continue Reading
Moog subsequent 37 editor (VST) cannot connect to hardware message
The other day I got my Moog Subsequent 37 and I first installed the editor (I’m on Windows 10) , made a firmware update and explored bank 1. After a lot of fun, I tried the VST editor but got a message The editor cannot connect to the hardware. PleaseContinue Reading
Installing the Behringer X-Touch in Propellerheads Reason
This walkthrough is based on Windows 10 with Reason 10 and I’m using the awesome codec from Jäexx that makes the integration much better. It does assume you have some general PC knowledge, so if you are not sure about that I hope you will manage. I can’t give anyContinue Reading
Using the Behringer X-Touch with Reason
Recently I bought a Behringer X-Touch to use with Propellerheads Reason (10). I have downloaded the awesome Jäexx mapping / codec to make it work (better) with Reason. As I am on a Windows machine, my experiences will be based on that system. I made a short video toContinue Reading
Propellerheads Reason dropouts and hiccups asio driver in Windows
DisclaimerThis post is written based on my experience with my system. There are so many variables that this might not apply to your system. ProblemLately I have had problems with Propellerheads Reason giving me random dropouts / hiccups (where the music suddenly stops for a short time) and they seemedContinue Reading